Friday, August 17, 2012

I think i'm in love...

Cheer up!
- So I feel like the past two days I've been sort of a weenie. "I miss home" "I miss TV" "I miss maggie" bla bla bla. 
BUT in my defense, going to a new country (that does not have a very great reputation) is scary and put me in a state of shock! My first night I couldn't believe I had signed up for two months and didn't know if I would make it. But now, after getting to know the other volunteers, getting to know my surroundings, loving the weather, and seeing all the wonderful things I can do.... I might be in love with Bogota. 

Friday August 17th 
- This morning, the "newbie crew" (people that arrived on the same day) headed out to Hogar
Hogar is where the orphanage is and it holds about 150 children. We had to take about a 15-20 minute bus ride, and I think I got squished about 35234 times. 

All I know is: 
#1- keep your bag in front of you (or people will cut it with a knife to steal your goods)
#2- know your stop
#3- Be prepared to PUSH your way through!!! 

Even though its crazy, packed, and a little hot, I think i prefer the bus over the crazy crazy taxi rides! (plus it's cheaper) 

Hogar - here is a picture of the classrooms that the younger kids go to during the day. These kids range from 4-5 years old. (so basically a bunch of kindergarten classes) 

 A little playground area. 

I thought this was just a neat picture of the mountains and a piece of the school yard :) 

The way it works: 
This place is basically like half orphanage, half foster home. The kids range from 3 months old to 18 years old. Some have families but are very poor and cannot take care of these children, some come from abusive backgrounds, some families might have drug problems. So, in a way, these kids are like foster kids because they are here until the families can get better. Then there are kids who have no families and they live at the orphanage. 

Here are some pictures of rooms for the younger children. Boys are upstairs and girls are downstairs: 

These are for the babies: 

The hallways: They are trying to get more color in the halls. They have some pictures up, paintings, and drawings that need to be painted. One of the projects I can help with is painting the walls for the hallways. (I am very excited to do that)

This is where the teenagers live. They have their own kitchen area, living room, and then of course big rooms with lots of beds. (I only got 2 pics, one of the kitchen and one of the sitting area)

When I fell in love: 
They have a social worker!!! :) LOVE IT. 
She speaks english too! so great. 

She sees every kid each week to see how they are doing. These kids come from backgrounds that I can't even imagine so, of course, a lot of them are troubled and have problems. 
Problems they may have: 
- they get adopted but then get sent back (can't even imagine!)
- abusive homes
- bullies at the orphanage
- lack of self esteem
and anything else I'm sure you can imagine. 

Each Friday the social worker and another woman run a teenage girls group for an hour. They work on self esteem building. I believe I will be there almost every Friday to help :) SO EXCITED! 

Another project: 

The children put on a lot of plays/shows. They have costumes and dress up clothes. The only problem is....well.... it's a MESS! They have 2 closets and its very unorganized. It's a lot of work! Next week we might spend at least a day or two organizing this for them! 


Hogar is most certainly my favorite place so far! The people are wonderful, the children are so sweet, and it's a great organization. We met the owner/founder/wonder woman...and i love her. 

I think my favorite project here will be:
- There are about 6 children that have been adopted and will be leaving within 4 months. They want to learn basic English so they know SOMETHING when they come to America. I will work with these children for an hour every time I come to Hogar and help teach them English. SO EXCITING! I already met one of the girls (i believe she is 9 or 10) and I already love her! 

BTW: It will not be likely to see pictures of the children here at Hogar; because some have been abused it is hard to get full on pictures of them without creating a government fit. I can get side pictures or maybe from far away...that's what my project manager said anyways :)  JUST BELIEVE ME...they are cute! 

Yep, love. 
I knew I would like it here once I got settled in...but I didn't expect it to happen so fast. I have met a lot of amazing people so far. The volunteers are great; so kind, giving, and just all around nice people! The people at these organizations are SO grateful and love us more than I think we know.

Tomorrow i'll be making 1,000 sandwiches for the homeless of Santa Fe, then it's time to explore! 


1 comment:

  1. :) I am so glad you are having a great time!! If it helps at all I can watch TV for you and tell you all about everything going on. lol
