Thursday, October 11, 2012

End of my Blog

So, I'm back home.

I had this great,funny, crazy blog on Tuesday about my trip home but it messed up when it published and I don't feel like re-writing it. (I'm back in America, my lazy self has kicked back in)

I will give you a short version of my trip home on Tuesday:

- day started at 4:30
- said goodbye to a great friend in the house
- taxi rides alone are scary (and expensive)
- colombian airport is easy to navigate
- first class to Miami
- I suck at answering questions at customs
- forgot my name
- didn't get my coffee bags checked for cocaine 
- flight to dallas was full :(
- ran to a different flight
- missed it
- crying in the bathroom is pathetic
- ran to yet ANOTHER flight
- 30 minute flight to Tampa
- Chillis for lunch
- looked like a crazy, happy, fatty and I didn't care
- plan to Dallas
- teared up when the plan landed
- Home and happy


It feels weird to be home. Sometimes I feel like I was never gone and then sometimes I feel like I was gone for years.
I did everything I wanted to do: I drank dr pepper, I ate taco bell, I drove around, I slept until 11, I watched TV until my eyes fell out of my head.

I have enjoyed catching up with everyone and answering all the same questions about my trip. My favorite question was "If you could do it all over again, would you?"
It only took me about 2 seconds to answer, "YES!"

I did not have a picture perfect trip; there were defiantly moments/events that I wish didn't happen. But, they did and I learned from them.
I did miss my family and friends but if I had to jump in a time machine and do it again, I would.

I loved it. I enjoyed meeting new people, learning about a different culture, and living a different life style.
This trip made me more aware of what is around me. The world is a big place and we have a lot to learn from it. I feel like the little social worker in me needed this trip, and now I will be a better social worker because of it.

What I already miss:
I already miss the Colombian weather, it's too hot here. No one is walking around or in a taxi, everyone has their own car and using it to just go down the street.
I miss my volunteer friends. All unique, sometimes weird and silly, but great people with big hearts.
I miss the kiddos, homeless project, and the nice nuns that always blessed me.
I actually miss walking, seeing the beautiful mountains, and eating at my favorite cafe.

I wont be making any more 2 month trips but I would love to do a week or two in a different country. There is more to learn, more to been seen, and more people to help.
Can't wait to see where I go next :) 

I loved blogging. It was a nice way to rant, share my experiences, and let people get to know me a little better. I'm thinking about starting another blog, maybe to share my grad school experience, love for the holidays, one friend adventures, me and maggie time... who knows! 


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