Painting project at Hogar!
We have been working hard painting this shed that will hold the children's play equipment!
#1 paint white
#2 draw the ninos
#3 paint the ninos
We only had about 5 colors to work. So, I had to pretend that I worked at Home Depot and mixed all the colors to get MORE colors :)
I think I could go home and get a job in the paint mixing department!
Just because we are painting doesn't mean we can't have fun :)
So much fun painting with my fellow volunteers.
This little casa/shed will be up for a long time and now it really stands out for the kids!
Hand prints (minus 1) of the beautiful volunteers that helped draw and paint!
yaya! finally done! :)
Holy cow!:D This came out amazing:D Great job! I love it, I bet the kids love it too. Great Job mixing sir mix-a lot;)