Monday, October 8, 2012

Last day of volunteering

So my last weekend in Bogota was perfect! Good food, great company, too much laughing. Perfect way to end my 8 weeks.

Today was my last day of volunteering and I decided to spend it at the homeless project. We fed about 140 people today. Many thank yous, many blessings, and smiles.

I really enjoyed volunteering there during my 8 weeks in  Bogota. I learned a lot:
-I saw what it truly meant to be hungry.
- How lucky I am to receive 3 meals a day (plus snacks)
- Homeless people might be a tad dirty, hungry, and sometimes intimidating... but I came into contact with some of the nicest people that just took a wrong turn somewhere in their life. A few people came up to us and shared their stories, told us what they were doing to make things better again. it was beautiful.
- Do NOT waste food!
- everyone loves the yummy yummy juice in Bogota
- walking into a room wtih 100 hungry people sure does make you tough.
- A handshake and smile can go a long way

After I get settled in at home, find a job, and fill up on American food, I would love to check out soup kitchens in my area. I would love to spend a few days a month doing that.

I'm glad I got over my fear of that scary neighborhood and checked out the homeless project. I don't think my journey to Bogota would have been complete if I would have overlooked it.

Final thoughts: 
I am thinking about checking out restaurants to work at back at home. When they ask me if I have any experience, my answer will be simple," If i can feed 100+ people, that haven't eaten in 24 hours,  I can feed anyone." :)

My flight to Dallas is tomorrow at 8 AM, so i'll be getting up at about 4:30!

Hopefully I can grab the first flight to Dallas and I'll be home by 5:00, a perfect time to make my way to BABES CHICKEN HOUSE for dinner!!!!!!!! Cross your fingers and toes everyone!

(one more blog tomorrow while i sit during my layover)


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