Monday, October 1, 2012

Jewish for a day

So, I am super behind on my blogging.... ops.

Last Wednesday, September 26th, I decided to join my new volunteer friend (Sara) in celebrating Yom Kippur. (Yom Kippur also known as Day of Atonement, is the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people.) 

The first thing I learned about this day was no eating. -_-
Erika loves food. Erika loves pizza, snacks, crackers, Mexican food, sour patch kids, juice, pasta, and more pizza. So no food for a whole 24 hours.... so bad.  I wasn't sure I could do it. 

BUT, my fellow volunteer Lupe explained it in a great way that finally convinced me. Of course, do not eat because of the Jewish holiday, but also to have an experience of being hungry. Do not eat for 24 hours and see how hungry you actually get. Get a small taste of what it's like to be one of the people we feed everyday at the homeless project. Interesting thought, so I decided to go for it!

The other reason I decided to participate in this holiday is because I wanted to join Sara in thinking of people who have passed away. Every year she buys flowers, goes near a body of water, and releases the flowers as a remembrance to those she has lost. She also says prayers and thinks about other people who might need a little extra attention.
I am not big into praying or going to church, but taking time to think about those we have lost is a really nice idea. I think its nice to take a step back from our "busy" lives and be grateful that they were with us but also mourn that they are no longer here.

My day: 
So since I was having a day of rest, I decided to .... REST!  It was really nice to be a bum. But then the hunger set in. I'm glad I had Sara, and other volunteers that participated in the day, to complain to. We all thought about what foods we would push someone down the stairs for.

Before I knew it, it was time to buy flowers and have our moment of silence, and remembrance of loved ones.

At 22 years old, I haven't had to experience many deaths...thank goodness. But I have experienced loss, been to a few funerals, and seen hearts break right before my eyes.

My first real loss was four years ago when I lost my Nana. An unexpected death, that came way too soon in life. She was my grandmother, my friend, my biggest supporter, and fan. I could really do no wrong in her eyes. Everyone needs someone like that in life. Someone who will love you no matter what. Someone who thinks you are perfect in every way. She helped me through hard times, made me laugh when needed, and always made me feel important. Loosing her was hard, and I think about her everyday.

My second flower represents another important person that was taken way too soon.
My best friend lost her mother in April; again, sudden and unexpected. My Nana was like a second mother to me, but she wasn't my mother. I cannot even wrap my head around loosing your mom. The person who gave you life, raises you, corrects you when you need it, loves you at all times, shoulder to cry on, and a role model to live by.
I will never forget the phone call from my friend telling me about her mom. I will never forget getting dressed so quickly that I think I put my pants on backwards. I will never forget driving 75 mph down the street to get to her as fast as I could.
Everyday I think about my best friend. I think about what I can say to make her laugh, or what we can do to give her brain a break for a minute.
She is not only my best friend, but a sister to me. So for this, and many other reasons, I felt it was important to recognize her mother. Think of her and her family.

It was really beautiful. 
We found a beautiful stream to sit around and throw the flowers. It was near a busy street and I never once heard honking. (which is a shock because people here LOVE their horns!)
Even though I only had two flowers to throw, I thought about a few other people I have lost in my life. My great grandmother, friends throughout high school, and even pets.
It was sad, and an emotional moment. But, I'm glad I did it. I'm glad I took the time to think about these people. I am sad that they are gone, but lucky that I had them in my life.

The rest of the day was spent resting, taking a small nap, thinking about food, and watching the clock. Finally, at 6:15 we headed out for PIZZA!
If your going to break the fast, might as well do it BIG.

We had a great time eating pizza, laughing about how hungry we were, and reflected on the day we had.

In the end, I'm glad I joined in this Jewish holiday. I'm not a religious person, so it was neat to get a different perspective, from a different religion than what I am used to being around.

To me, this day was more than not eating and throwing some flowers in the water. I now know that I could never be homeless because I love food. I know that I am very lucky to eat everyday. I am thankful that I can choose to not eat, and not have that be my only option.
I am thankful for my life, and everyone else in my life who is still around.
Many many things to be thankful for :)

The days are getting fewer and fewer here in Bogota! Soon I'll be packing up and getting ready to go home!
So glad I could have a day like this, and have yet ANOTHER great, interesting experience in Bogota :)


1 comment:

  1. no words to tell you how much this meant to me. thank you :]
