Saturday, October 6, 2012

Last day at Hogar

(One of my favorite pictures taken at Hogar) 

As said in many many blog posts, I love Hogar! It was defiantly my favorite place to be during my 8 week volunteer experience. 
The orphanage is beautiful in many ways from the view, the staff, and the children. 
I have really enjoyed working with my fellow volunteers, playing with the kids, painting, and teaching English. 

I knew I would fall in love with the children, but I didn't expect to be so sad when I left. 
There were many kids that I developed a relationship with simply because I gave them a hug everyday. Or perhaps had a five minute conversation about how their day was going. It was so simple to make a child happy and make them feel loved. I am going to miss them :) 

The majority of my time was spent teaching English to children who were getting adopted. Carlene, Lupe, and I really formed a special friendship/bond with these kids because we saw them almost everyday. 

One of the most special days I had in Bogota was when we were able to take the kids out for a day of fun. It was great to do that for them and everyone had a great time!

Being at Hogar helped us not be so serious. We were able to, not only spend time with the kids, but be kids ourselves. Our inner child defiantly came out more than once.

Saying goodbye to my little friends was hard.
I know their background is not the best and the life they have had is very far from the childhood that I had.
When you go into an orphanage, the children want/need so much attention! You make them feel special one time and they are your best friend forever. I can only hope that the new volunteers coming in will take care of our special friends. They need to make friendships with these kids, because they deserve it :)

 I learned a lot from volunteering at the orphanage.
It opened my eyes to a different world and a different way of life.

Adios Hogar! I am surely going to miss you :) 

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