Wednesday, September 26, 2012

An incredible journey

Meeting new volunteers is one of my favorite things about this trip! Even better than meeting a new volunteer.... making a friendship with one of them.

Sara arrived in Bogota about 2 weeks ago and we formed an instant friendship. We have a lot in common, similar sense of humor, both have amazing best friends that we miss, and obsessed with Grey's Anatomy. I have really enjoyed having Sara here! :)

Everyone volunteers for different reasons, and every picks locations for different reasons. Sara has picked Bogota to not only volunteer and help the people of Colombia, but also to find her birth mother. That's right, 25 years ago Sara was adopted from Colombia and is looking to now give back to her home country.

Sarah speaks so highly of her mom and dad. She has defiantly had a beautiful life and was lucky to end up with parents that gave her more love than she could have ever imagined. But, as wonderful as her life is, there is still a piece of her in Colombia that she needs to find. I respect her so much for coming all the way here, into the unknown, and searching for her birth mother. 

Sara will be here for 5 weeks, and so she started her search ASAP! 
After the first week of being here, she was able to see the hospital she was born at and the neighborhood that her birth mother is registered to vote. She said it was weird being in that neighborhood because its where she would have grown up. Her life would have been different.... for all she knows, she could have become a different person. 

I believe we get certain characteristics from our parents but how much of it is DNA and how much of it is how we are raised. Is Sara a kind, warm person because of her birth mother or because her parents raised her that way? It's an interesting thought. Made me sit back and think about my life. I tried to imagine my life with a different mom; would I still be crazy, would I be loud, would I be open minded, would I have different values? 

Last Saturday, at lunch, Sara received a phone call that would forever change her life. 

She found her birth mother. 

She also found out that she has a younger sister who does not know anything about her. The plan was to meet that night and catch up on everything and anything. 
Sara was able to meet her birth mother, younger sister, her nephew, and learn that she also had an older brother. Unfortunately, the brother passed away about a year and a half ago. 

Crazy huh? Another family. 
Sara's birth mother explained to her that she always felt guilt for giving her up, she even tried to find her 10 years ago but could not afford to continue on with her search. She lost a child almost 2 years ago, and now she has another child back in her life. It really is amazing. 

This story is very touching. It is something that we see on Lifetime! I am so happy for my new friend :) 

She is always wondering "why." 
Why did I end up with amazing parents. Why was I able to find my birth mother? Why did she want to meet me? Why does this family welcome me with open arms? A lot of questions that she has running through her mind and honestly they may never be answered. But the best answer I can give her is that, sometimes we are just lucky. We shouldn't question the good, just go with it! 
I am not a religious person so I cannot sit here and tell her that it was Gods plan. But i can tell her that she is a good person and she deserves good things to happen to her. Plus, most of the time, we cannot explain why things happen... they just do! :) 

Life is not always easy or fair.... but sometimes it does surprise and amaze us :) 

To keep up with sara's journey here is her blog:

1 comment:

  1. such a cool story! tell her to send her story to lifetime and you should star as yourself in the movie.
