Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bags of ketchup!

Different blog post

I'm sure by now you can tell, Bogota is different! Love it, but it is different.
The city is big, the people are slow, the air is cool, and the streets smell like delicious meat/ trash all at the same time.
I wanted to dedicate one blog post to all the differences in Bogota. Well, not ALL the differences but all the ones that I find humorous. 


Everything, and I mean EVERYTHING comes in a bag here! Ketchup (or salsa de tomate), mayonnaise, jelly, milk... all comes in a bag!

BTW one friend, one of your gifts is a bag of ketchup. I know ketchup is your favorite, and you want something BAM. perfect gift. 


Every single time I go to wash a dish, wash my hands, wash SOMETHING, I always see a bucket of soap! Sometimes it's blue, green, or pink. Personally, i like the pink smells like bubble gum!

#3: (this is just in our apartment, but still different) WASHING DISHES!

The sink in our apartment does not work all that well. So, to prevent flooding in the kitchen, we have to make sure all the water goes into this bucket. Once the bucket fills up we have to take the water and pour it down the toilet. fun huh?
Now, it is annoying BUT it also makes me realize how much water we waste! Instead of letting the water run and run and run while we hand wash the dishes, we have to constantly turn it off so the bucket doesn't fill up so quickly. It's great for the economy!

I'm sure we also save a lot of water because we only have one working shower in this apartment. ONE shower, and 13 (up to 17) volunteers! The hot water works for about 1 minute...if you are lucky :)  But hey, clean is clean! I am grateful for the cold shower, soap, and my clean soft towel. 

Brown sugar. everywhere i look. so sad.

OK, not really sad. I'm just being a weenie and I want white american sugar!
You know, since I am on the subject of food... everything here just taste a little different. The ketchup, the bread, the coffee, the sugar, the meat, THE CHEESE! I think it's because it is all fresh and isn't processed. America sure does like to process the crap out of their food. So I suppose i shouldn't be complaining. I am eating pretty darn healthy here.

But i sure do miss fat.

No pic. But just imagine a death trap everywhere you turn! My poor friend Lupe had already hurt his ankle on the dangerous mountain, now he has to watch his every step on the sidewalks! I would say the streets are safer to walk on but the taxis here don't care if they hit you. THEY LITERALLY SPEED UP WHEN YOU ARE IN THE STREET! They really need to find a new hobby.

I have never seen so many people asking for money in my whole life. You walk down the street, someone asking for money. You get in a taxi, someone puts an item (like candy) on the window so that you buy it before the light turns red and they have to get out of the way. You get on the bus, someone gets on and makes a speech about needing money.
Even though I cant understand their speech about needing money (because it's obviously in Spanish) I do get annoyed! But then, my social worker side thinks "maybe they really do need money and would it be so bad to give them 1,000 pesos" I am such a conflicted soul!
What gets me the most is the kids begging for money. Three occasions now I have had a child come up to me, say this sad little speech in spanish, and give me the saddest look. Then I look across the street and see the parent just watching. IT MAKES ME SO MAD! #1, get your own money! #2 so dangerous for your child #3 its 9:00 at night, your child should have a full belly, in bed, getting ready for school the next day! ggrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Is it too much for a girl from Texas to get some delicious ranch for her french fries or pizza :(
Seriously Colombia, I'll even eat it if it came in a bag!

#8. LOVE
People here are  A LOT slower than Americans. At times, my American side does come out and I want to hurry up! But, is it so bad to slow down? no. its not.
People here take longer lunches, have longer conversations, and walk a little slower. It's nice.
They also know how to give a great hug and a kiss on the cheek. I feel like if I went home and started kissing people on the cheek I would end up with a court date for sexual harassment.

I think I am in love with the weather here. No wonder people are slow, it feels great outside!!!!

Even though I have complained about the food, I have to admit it is good and healthier for me. They don't fry everything under the sun. They don't put 10 pounds of cheese on everything. I have not found any sort of sweet tea. I go down the chip aisle and only see about 10 types of chips instead of 100. It is a pretty simple life here. Fresh fruit, veggies, chicken, potatoes, and rice!

Another looksie around the apartment:
By Sunday night, every volunteer has to write what projects they will be at during the week. I am #2, and as you can see... i love Hogar :) 

A map of Bogota with a mark of all our placements. The address is written down for each project, so if you are super white (like me) you can just write down the address to give to the taxi driver. Sometimes if you sound too American they might try and take advantage of you. Although, handing someone a piece of paper sends an "American" message too. DANG IT, i cant win. Anywho, I like taking the bus anyways. Its cheaper, less bumpy, and easier to get lost and make for great blog stories. 
Dish Duty! Every week day, for breakfast and dinner, there are two people assigned to clean dishes. 

View of the living room. This is where we hang out in the evenings. I love the window, it has the best view for sunset! 

This is the view from my room. That is an attorneys office and I think some of them should just live there! They are always working! They get to work around 8 and I swear most of them do not go home until around 8 or 9:00. (BTW, its 10:30 right now and i still see about 6 people working) Even though they work a lot I know they get a good view of the volunteers sometimes. Personally, I have changed once or twice, forgetting the blinds were not shut....ops. My roommates have been caught doing work outs in the room. Other volunteers have been caught dancing around the living room. So great.

So see, some differences. Some I like, some I could live without...but all around a great experience. I will defiantly appreciate my water more when I go home. I'll try not to kiss people. I will thank the city of Irving for making safe sidewalks and crosswalks. But, I'll also remind people to slow down and enjoy a conversation. Maybe even give out more free hugs :) 

That's all for now! 


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