Saturday, September 1, 2012

I miss food.

I miss America...
I've decided that I will always live in Texas. Why? BECAUSE:

- Ranch dressing
- Dr. Pepper
- Waffle House
- Snuffers
- Cheese itz

My non-fatty reasons: 

- Smiles on the street
- Big hair
- English
- The SUN
- fried pickles (OK another fatty reason, but oh well... i love food)

Because of these reasons, and more, another volunteer and I decided to have "American Mondays"
Every Monday we eat American food!

Don't get me wrong, the food here in Colombia is great! It's defiantly different from what I am used to eating at home and is making me branch out and try new things. But, I just need some grease in my life. I need to be a fatty and have something fried and delicious in my mouth.

Our first Monday = PAPA JOHNS PIZZA!
I cannot describe the happiness my heart felt while eating this pizza...but I'm going to try:
- It was better than smelling a rose
- It was better than finding $5 in your pocket 
- It was better than winning a game of Monopoly 
- It was better than seeing a baby smile  

See, so much happiness in just one slice of pizza. (OK i had two slice, but you get the point!) 
Next American Monday will be great, i just know it! 

My favorite place in Bogota:

(The orphanage) 

I cannot describe how much i love this little place! So far, in Bogota, I have done so many projects and they have all been great; but there is something about this place that has my heart.

I love that when you walk in the kids just run to you! They have so much love and want so much attention. In a way, I can see how it is sad. They don't have a mom, dad, sister, or brother to shower them with love and attention so they have to get it from another source.

The staff at the orphanage does a great job at giving positive attention to these kids but there are so many kids that I'm sure they want/need more!

It does make me reflect on my own life growing up. Always having a mom to hug every morning, or a dad to talk to when I needed advice. A grandmother that gave me more love and affection than anyone could ask for. It's sad to think any child has to grow up without that. You look at these kids and think "why would anyone not want you!"
I think I might come back with like 10 kids. I just love them all.

Our Englishes classes, to the kids who are getting adopted, are going AMAZINGLY WELL! These kids are so bright and eager to learn! The biggest trick to learning English (or any subject in school) is to make it fun!

Twister helps the kids learn right from left, and colors in English. PLUS, it's just a fun game :)


                                                  Guess Who helps them learn colors, parts of the face, and asking questions in English. We play this almost every time we see the kids, they love it! (you can also turn the card around and play with animals)

GO FISH alphabet version!
This, obviously, helps the kids learn their alphabet in English and each letter had a word with it. So it expands their English vocabulary. I don't want to brag, but I won the first game.

Why I also love Hogar

Not only are the great kids great, but they have the BEST bakery in the whole world!
I think my favorite desserts have come out of this little place :) 

Once we are done tutoring, we will pop into the bakery and see if Veronica (the baker) needs any help cooking, cleaning, or taste testing. Veronica speaks English pretty well, so we are able to communicate with her easily. On Thursday, August 30th, it was doughnut making day! Of course we stopped by to help! 

I think we did a pretty great job! They were delicious, of course.

Next week at Hogar, I will help tutor and also start teaching a kindergarten class. I will work on teaching them numbers in English. I am very excited to work with my favorite age group!! 

5 weeks left!
I am starting to really love it here in Bogota! (These pics I stole from a volunteer, stolen pics are the best!)

 The food is good, the people are nice (well most of them), and the weather is fantastic! 

I do have my moments of weakness, and I start to really miss my family and friends. I wish my tiny one friend could box herself up and come down here with me. She is so small and white, but I know we would have so much fun! I think about how my boyfriend would hate the food because he would need more flavor, but would love the view of the mountains and city. Plus all the art work everywhere :)
I want everyone to join in this experience with me! I guess that's why I try to be so detailed and honest in my blog; I want everyone to feel like they are here with me! So by the way, if you have any questions feel free to ask! :)

 I have never lived on my own or been away from family longer than a week. So this experience really is brand new to me!
It's funny, you start to miss the little things about home..things you don't think about missing until you don't have it!
- Having ketchup in a bottle (every condiment here comes in a great)
- Toilet paper! (I have to pay for toilet paper if I am at a public bathroom! -_- )
- Using as much water as you want to wash dishes. (Colombians know how to conserve water!)
-HEAT (its so cold in the apartment sometimes!!!)
- Driving ( I miss driving so much! I want to just get in a car, and drive!)
- Using American money (I miss using a penny)

But, on the other hand, I am gaining more life experience than I could have ever hoped for. The future social worker inside of me is just jumping with joy! I think taking a break from school to come here and get a "hands on" experience was a FANTASTIC idea... i do not regret it!

I have about 5 weeks left here in Bogota, the time really is flying by!

Within these next few weeks I will:
- visit a Colombian jail
- visit blind children
- teach a class on my own
- continue tutoring
-help with a painting project at the orphanage
- more site seeing and visit museums!


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