Monday, September 24, 2012

Why volunteer?

Today I had an interesting conversation with someone....

Telling someone about my volunteer experience is always exciting. Not gonna to lie, it makes me feel a little better about myself and I also get to try and persuade someone to go out and volunteer!

I usually get a few responses when I tell people what I am doing :

- "that's amazing, I could never do that!"
-  " wow, I have always wanted to do that!"
-  " I wish I had the time to do that!"

Everyone has always been supportive, and even if it isn't their "cup of tea" they still think its great to go away and volunteer. Volunteer in a country that is far less fortunate than we are, might I add. 

I have never had a response like the one I received today.

" I have enough problems of my own, I couldn't imagine helping other people." 

My first reaction = WTF
My second reaction = lost soul
My third reaction = Blog worthy

Rant time: 

We all have problems. Big or small, we all do.
Sometimes I think that running out of Ranch dressing is the biggest problem of my life and I might just die because of it.
Perhaps you get fired from your job.
Maybe money is low this month and you have to cut back a bit.
A close family member passes away and now you have to live life in a different way.

No matter what the situation is, anything can be a problem to someone.
But, just because I might be having a bad day or have problems of my own... I'm not going to stop helping others.

I guess I just don't understand how bad your life has to be that you wouldn't want to help someone else. To me it just seems selfish and a little bit lazy. It's all one big excuse.

I also had an argument with this person about welfare. -_-
Lets just say at the end of this conversation my little social worker brain was just spinning.

It opened my eyes and made me realize that some people really are closed minded to the world.
To think that people on welfare are lazy or people that need a free meal are not worthy of their time... it just blows my mind!
I never thought of myself as a person with a big heart... just a person who has a heart. But I guess not everyone thinks the same way I do. I guess I am one of those few people in the world that believes everyone deserves help and a second chance, no matter their situation.

My message to the person with ignorant words: Want to see real problems? Get outside of your comfort zone and look outside at the real world. Check out people who haven't eaten in days and rely on that one free meal we hand out. Check out 100 + kids who have no parents and crave attention everyday. Check out elderly women who have been left on their street. Or maybe just be scared to walk outside at night because you could get shot. Your problems don't seem so bad now, do they?

rant complete.   

Tomorrow we will be taking the blind children to the Emerald Museum! I am very excited to let them explore and learn all about emeralds :)


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