Monday, September 17, 2012

Best day in Bogota

September 17

I have been around kids for a good amount of time: babysitting, day cares, siblings, being a nanny, etc.
I have met many different types of children and I thought I was prepared for anything when coming on this trip.
Being around a child that has a family (no matter how different their family might be) is much different than being around a child that lives in an orphanage. On the surface they seem the same:
- plays
- eats
- sleeps
- likes candy

But when you really think about it, they are not the same because their background is different and they are raised differently.
The orphanage we volunteer at is amazing and they do a great job at giving these kids everything they need. But, they are still left without something pretty significant... parents.

I couldn't imagine having a bad day at school and not telling my mom about it or making jokes with my dad because we share the same sense of humor. 
These kids grow up differently. Some grow up faster and feel the need to take care of themselves. Some children may not be as lucky to be in a fantastic orphanage and do not even get love from outside sources like the teachers or other staff that they are around on a daily basis. Some children shut out the world because they are angry about their situation. Some children become stronger because of their situation. And some kids just simply get by.
It doesn't seem like the easiest life.
It makes me look back on my life and really really appreciate my parents and everything they ever did for me. I feel that I can't ever complain about getting put in the corner or getting grounded (when i was younger of course) because at least that meant I had parents that were, well, parents and only wanted the best for me.

With that said,
Lupe, Carlene, and I  work with about 6 kids that are getting adopted. We teach them English everyday for about an hour. Basic English to help them get by when they start their "new" life in America. There are two special children from that 6 that work EXTREMELY hard everyday!
They always show up to class, they always participate in the games or worksheets we give them, they are always loving and respectful, and we just love them!
We thought it would be nice to recognize all the hard work they have put in and give them a fun day out!
 Tutors and the kids :)  We were ready to start our FUN DAY OUT!

First stop: CANDY FACTORY!
I'm not sure who was more excited, the kids... or the adults :) 

 We filled up buckets of candy! Nerds, gummies, chocolate, gum, ANYTHING! It's safe to say that my body went into a sugar shock, and I will need to brush my teeth about ten times tonight.
But, aside from my sugar problems, the kids had so much fun!  How often do you get to run wild in a candy store and get anything you want! Any kid would be excited to do this!

                                           They deserved loved (and deserved) being spoiled :)

Next stop: BURGER KING. 

Lunch time rolled around and we treated the kids to a proper American mean...burger king :) 
We all put on awesome burger king hats, ordered some burgers, and chowed down like champs. 

                                         Of course, we couldn't end our lunch without being silly :) 

The evil claw machine 
This stupid machine is.... stupid! Here we are, just trying to win a stuffed animal for this sweet little girl and it kept ripping us off! We had an animal three times and it would just drop it out of no where! SO RUDE! 
But putting about $5 into a machine, that is clearly not going to let us win, all worth it for the kiddos :) espanol :) 

 To end our beautiful day, we took the kids to go see Ice Age 4. Now, I am very thankful that I have already seen this movie because the whole thing was in Spanish. But, i have to admit, it was a nice way to brush up on some Spanish words and it was defiantly something I have never done before!

The kids loved it, of course. Candy, soda, and a funny movie = success.

The kids, lupe, carlene, and our new volunteer sara, making silly faces before the movie :)

One of my favorite pictures from today.

                                                           Day out = success :) 

Today was simply, amazing. They are such beautiful kids and they deserved every moment of today. I hope this is something they remember forever because I know that I will!

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