Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Family in Bogota

It's easy to get homesick. 
- The food is different
- The people are different
- The sun goes away really fast
-  Its cold
- the butter doesn't go in the fridge
- SO MUCH HONKING on the streets

Sometimes I would wonder "why why why am i here for 8 weeks." 

But before I know it, 6 weeks have gone by and I am really sad that I am about to leave.
I am comfortable here. I have a routine. I have friends. I have a volunteer mom. I am set :)

Today was a wonderful day, and it's because of days like these that I'll miss Bogota!

Started off with a free car ride to the Emerald Museum! Volunteers love free rides.
- No scary taxi driver
- No overpriced taxi rides
- No smelly bus
- No packed transmilenio ride that makes you feel violated by strangers.

We then met up with orphans and students that attend a blind school. I went to the school a couple of weeks ago, so I was excited to go on their field trip with them! They had a bunch of sensory activities for the kiddos and they absolutely loved it! :)

Getting out of the school and exploring something new was exciting for them.

After they explored the museum, it was time for lunch. Between prayer, giving thanks for the day they had, and singing, the entire room was in tears. It was beautiful to see these children, who live in darkness, to have such light in their lives. Truly amazing. 

After the museum, I had a great evening, with great people! One of my fellow volunteers, Sara, gave a speech at dinner and it summed up every thought in my brain. It's hard being away from home, away from family and friends. But, being around amazing people with truly great hearts, makes the experience easier. We have created our own family and will never forget the volunteers that have made us better people.

Can't wait for 2 more weeks of fun, friendships, memories, and adventure :) 

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