Friday, September 14, 2012

So far...

My journey in Bogota, Colombia has been rewarding, exciting, scary, and life changing. It seems cheesy to say "life changing" but it really is. 

The point of this trip, for those of you who may be wondering why on earth I would leave everything behind for two months, is to grow. I have a degree in Social Work and I want to use it. I want to learn more than a text book can teach me. I want to experience the "real world" and take on the challenges that it may give me. 

Staying at home and volunteering is wonderful, I have done it since I was fourteen when my mom told me I needed something to do. But I wanted to expand my view of volunteering and take it to the next level. It's important to learn what is going on around the world and get a different perspective on life. 

We cannot stay in our comfort zone forever. 

"Go Find Yourself" 
I find this message beautiful, and the fact that it is placed with the map of the world is fitting at this moment in my life. 
My expectation for this trip was not to "find myself" but I believe it is what I have ended up doing. 

I have found that I am braver than I thought. 
I have realized that social workers are awesome. 
I know that I love where I live and I wouldn't change it. 
I have found that I love Dr. Pepper more than I thought. 
I have a better appreciation for my parents and the life they gave me.
I am thankful for my friendships. 
I am thankful to have found someone to love. 
I have found that the smallest act of kindness can go a long way. 

I can't wait to see what else I learn on this trip. It has become more than just saving the children of Bogota. 
It has become a life lesson of gratitude, love and appreciation of life. 

Find yourself. 

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